Saturday, May 4, 2024

Lolita History : Rocking Horse Shoes

Rocking horse shoes, commonly referred to as RHS, are iconic within the Lolita fashion community. They were desigend with the Vivienne Westwood's "Mini-Crini" line and by no means have a Lolita-specific history, but they nonetheless have come to represent a bygone era within our fashion.

Let's look at their origins, and later explore why they have come to be so iconic in our tiny, insular fashion community around the world. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Product Spotlight and Review: Modo "Muffin Tata" Platform Shoes

By now you've definitely seen these shoes. It seems like everyone is wearing them right now, but I haven't seen a review of them yet. My friend DodotheExtinct asked me how they were and she inspired me to write this review for other curious buyers. Go check out her youtube if you prefer your Lolita fashion content in v-log format: 


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Wardrobe Analysis: Brand Prevalence

 Last week I saw that some Lolitas were making charts showing how much of their wardrobe was made up of certain branded pieces. I'm always interested in examining my choices and identifying trends so I made a few charts of my own wardrobe brand make-up. I've recently started a purge and was removing a lot of items from my wardrobe with the intent to sell them on lacemarket so I didn't include any items I am currently listing for sale.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

January 2023 - Wardrobe Post

I have a bunch of posts in my drafts folder that I've been poking at over the past year, but just didn't have the brain to finish. Maybe I'll get to them this year 😅
My friend gifted me a mannequin so I was compelled to re-do my wardrobe post with my pieces on the dress form this year. The form is considerably smaller than me so some of my larger pieces hang on her unflatteringly but it is easier to dress a mannequin for photographs than it is to carefully lay a garment out on a bed or the floor and then gain a perfect bird's-eye angle of it for documenting.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

My First Wardrobe Post - January 2022

I've been doing this fashion for over 8 years and have never made a wardrobe post before. I don't have a beautful living space or a nice, well lit area to photograph, which probably contributed to my hesitation. I thought I had a small wardrobe... but once I photographed everything I really was able to comprehend the size of my collection. I hope future posts may be made with better quality staging, but for now we have my dim, beige closet-sized condo to work with and the few hours of glancing daylight for lighting.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Why do Lolitas make Wardrobe Posts in January? 11 years of January Wardrobe posts.

If you've been a part of this fashion for a little while you may have noticed that in January every year you start seeing and hearing a lot about wardrobe posts. Youtubers may film themselves wearing each of their pieces. Your instagram feed may become clogged with photographs of closets or their contents. Old curmudgeonly bloggers may also get in on the fun of painstakingly pretending to the entire internet that their closets are clean and organzed.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Just what is "Usakumya" anyways?

If you're new to Lolita fashion you may not be intimately aware of Baby the Stars Shine Bright's famous mascot, Usakumya.